[ Best Youtube & Comments ] Extended Footage Of Conor McGregor Attacking Khabib's Bus
Extended Footage Of Conor McGregor Attacking Khabib's Bus
* Comments.
- 100% PR move
- That's what u get on slapping his bud
- Mcgregor is the Best!!
- pr stunt ,,100%
- Shouldn't have fucked with Artem
- Irish chicken
- Петушара
- Not Conor McGregor
- Conor "Nino Brown" McGregor
- That was JJ Champ
- 개같은하빕아넌코너한테안된다그만까불어라
- Conor McMuffin
- Irish pussy
- Bus don't hit back
- He's on coke
- initiation to become a freemason.
- fame+money+braintrauma=this
- What was the reason?
- You'll do nutin
- He's down doe
- Why was he angry?
- khabib coward
- mcgregor is the best;)
- chicken on the buss...lol
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